Thursday, March 26, 2009

From the groups that have presented i have learned that santiago doesnt know alot when thae book starts but end up learning alot, for example when you enter a class you dont know nothing but when your done with the class you end up lerning lots of thing.Another example to thats is that you start big and end up big.I also learned that you can do what you wanna do or just not try and live with the desire of wanting to try what you always dreamed of doing.Also i learned that that santiago tryied to let his live be controlled by faith when he was with the crystal merchant he was about to let his sheep go and just settle with the merchant.I also learnet that over time santiago gets the ability to survive...

I think that this picture has to do with the alchemist because it shows clamness and it is butiful just like how santiagos jurney is

Friday, March 6, 2009

I think that in order to use your time wisely you must work at all time and use every second to work. Some breaks are OK like every 2hours you can take a 30second break so you wont wear your self out. You must mostly focus on your classwork and try to do it correct don't rush trough it if not you will make lots of mistakes in your work and would not be the best it can be. I try to ignore all distractions and do all my work none stop i get breaks one in a while but just like 5minute breaks. Sometimes i do get distracted and and i don't do my work and end up not doing anything also friends are my weaknesses i like to work in really quiet places but i don't like to work alone.I try to improve the way i use my time by not doing what I'm not supposed to be doing and being on task .
Santiago has changed alot over the book he has grown and showed more signs of responsibilities and good decision making. Now he goes follows his heart and takes more risks than when the book started, like for example when he is told to tell the tribes man about the prediction of the war he risks his own life just so he could find his own personal legend. I think that he figured out that he is capable of doing more or accomplish mare than he is able to do.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I have been reading a book called ''Tortilla Flat''the book has been really interesting and i really enjoyed it.I think annyone would enjoy this book because its pretty interesting its about a drunk named danny and he inherits these two houses from his grand father who past away.I dont raelly understand were their at the location its comfusing?I would really enjoy if there was a part two because i dint like how it ended it ended like a little kids book with a happily ever after i was that great of an ending i was dissapointed i though Pilon and Danny were ganna end their friendship after Pilon burned down than dannies second house